Magesh Sathasiva pandian wrote in post #987274:
>> >
>> > but the file itself is missing in the specified location.
>> >
>> Change database.yml to reflect wherever the socket is on your system
> If you do not know how to do that,
> try creating another rails app using the command
> $ rails new appname -d mysql
> by doing this rails will automatically add the needed mysql configs in
> the
> database.yml file which is inside the newly created rails app (appname)
> hope this helps
> --
> Regards,
> Magesh
> blog: http:// <>
> web: <>
> twitter: @iMagesh <>

Hi ,
 yes i tried that but the challenge is i am importing a website that has 
been build using ruby 1.8 old platform and i am trying to test it 
locally on my machine by replicating the same environment

now i can test the website regular pages (html-rb) but everything which 
need access to mysql is not working

i am getting the following error :
Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket 
'/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock' (2)

the weired thing is i have the  sock file in the right place..but don't 
know what to do ..


any help on that?


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