On 20 March 2011 06:06, Quee WM <li...@ruby-forum.com> wrote:
> in my cities controller I have
> def for_provinceid
>  @cities = City.where("active = true && province_id = ?",
> params[:id]).sort_by{ |k| k['name'] }
>  respond_to do |format|
>    format.json  { render :json => @cities }
>  end
> end
> and in my zones controller I have
> def for_cityid
>  @zones = Zone.where("active = true && city_id = ?",
> params[:id]).sort_by{ |k| k['name'] }
>  respond_to do |format|
>    format.json  { render :json => @zones }
>  end
> end
> how do i update my routes file that i can access the jason returned by
> these two actions.

I think the question would be better put 'How do I update my routes
file to allow me to invoke these actions' (unless I misunderstand).
The Rails Guide on routing should point you in the right direction.
If you still can't get it to work come back with what you have tried
and what the result was.
First, though I suggest reading up on RESTful routes to make sure that
what you are doing is really what you want.


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