For the situation described in this thread where your Person class's 
#has_one :instructor refers to another class (and table) that in fact HAS a 
column named "person_id" then there is no need to provide the :primary_key 
option, as this is what it will infer by default.

However, in even weirder situations (like mine for instance where I'm 
connecting ActiveRecord to an old database that doesn't come close to 
following the rails conventions), it is useful. Example (similar to what I 
have to deal with):

table: tblUser
primary key: UserID

table: tblComments
primary key: ID # note the inconsistencies I have to deal with
foreign key (to tblUser record): PosterID

Here, "comments" belong to "users" (a user has_many comments). My models 
look like this:

class User < ActiveRecord::Base
  set_table_name "tblUser"
  set_primary_key "UserID"
  has_many :comments, :primary_key => "UserID", :foreign_key => "PosterID"

class Comment < ActiveRecord::Base
  set_table_name "tblCommants"
  set_primary_key "ID"
  belongs_to :user, :primary_key => "UserID", :foreign_key => "PosterID"

This is an example when you need to use the :primary_key options (and 
:foreign_key as well). This is because there is NO way rails can infer these 
names otherwise. However, despite my schema "sucking" (in rails terms) I 
manage to otherwise use ActiveRecord quite nicely.

Now, just because this is possible, doesn't mean I'd ever choose to go 
against conventions. It is beautiful when you can just rely on the defaults 
and let the rails magic fly!

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