> Okay, I'll bite and give my $0.02.
> Method #1 Pros and Cons:
> Con: I don't like the application code to be responsible for log rotations. 
> It "feels" like this should be a system administrative task.
> Pro: Easy to set up and no need to drop a logrotate config in /etc on 
> deployment


> Method #2
> Con: Deployment requires another "external" step (configuration external to 
> the application code itself)
> Pro: From a sysadmin point of view, I keep all my "log rotation" 
> configuration in one place (as it ought to be).
> My Preference
> Method #2: use capistrano or other scripted/automated deployment tool to drop 
> (or update) a logrotate config in your /etc/logrotate.d/ directory to 
> overcome the downside of this method and you're golden.

One drawback to this is /etc/logrotate.d is usually owned by root... do you 
want capistrano to be able to write to root protected directories?  That opens 
a door for someone to put in a postrotate script that does all kind of nasty 
things as root :(

If it was me, I'd install a rails logrotate file *once* that covered all your 
deployed applications...  something like the below. This way it's installed 
once, and never needs to be installed again for any new applications.  As long 
as you make sure the regex's match all your apps anyway :)

/home/philip/apps/*/shared/log/*.log {
        rotate 30
        create 640 philip philip
                if [ -f "`. /etc/apache2/envvars ; echo 
${APACHE_PID_FILE:-/var/run/apache2.pid}`" ]; then
                        /etc/init.d/apache2 reload > /dev/null

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