On Apr 7, 10:43 am, John Catalyne <li...@ruby-forum.com> wrote:
> If I put f.fields_for :city, this gets generated:
> <select name="user[city][id]" id="user_city_id">
> and I get an AssociationMismatch saying
> ActiveRecord::AssociationTypeMismatch: City(#36862620) expected, got
> Hash(#21169932)
> If I put f.fields_for :city_attributes, this gets generated:
> <select name="user[city_attributes][id]" id="user_city_attributes_id">
> Which looks more like what the nested form would accept.

With accepts_nested_attributes you always just use the association
name - you don't need to mangle things. Also I'm slightly confused by
your models / form. Does a city really belong to a unique user ?


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