On 7 April 2011 19:37, railer helper <railerhel...@gmail.com> wrote:
>                          <% @categories.each do |cat| %>
>                            <th>  <%=  link_to( cat.name, cat) %></th>
                                <% cat.products.each do |product| %>
>                                <tr><td> <%= link_to h(product.name), 
> product %></td></tr>
                                <% end %>
>                          <% end %>

Since it's a list of a category's products, it would be more semantic
to use a <ul> element rather than lots of rows in the table though.
Oh, and BTW - you'll want to html escape the category name too...
  <%=  link_to h(cat.name), cat %>

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