
I have tried your gem for rails 3. have installed it but when i loads
the page it doesn't work for me? Can you please help me out.
I have completed installation successfully. should i go for
configuration? or there is any default configuration.


On Feb 24, 7:29 am, Walter McGinnis <walter.mcgin...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hiya,
> I've taken over maintenance of the tiny_mce gem
> (https://github.com/kete/tiny_mce/) and am preparing a release that
> will have the latest TinyMCE and take advantage of some TinyMCE jQuery
> integration. I'm in the process of getting things working again with
> Rails 2.3.x (jQuery integration stuff broke things) and I could use
> hand with testing with Rails 3.x.
> I don't have Rails 3 set up yet. Could any one give me a quick hand?
> Contact me if you are willing to help out.
> Cheers,
> Walter

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