On 17 Apr 2011, at 17:04, amrit pal pathak wrote:

On Apr 17, 7:27 am, Chris Kottom <ch...@chriskottom.com> wrote:
Are you planning to continue using sqlite in the production environment?
 Most people don't, but it's not a problem to do so.

If not or if the default sqlite settings aren't right for you, then you'll need to make some changes, but those will depend on the environment you're deploying into. But what those should be isn't a question the mailing list
can answer for you without more information.

      The production environment setting with sqllite are by
default .I want to use mysql for production too.So i changed the
production enviornment settings to
 adapter: mysql
 database: blog
 username: root
 password: 12345
 pool: 5
 timeout: 5000

                                  Is it enough??

If you're running Rails 3, you're better off using "mysql2" as the adapter and you have to make sure you include the mysql2 gem in your Gemfile too. Also, you might want to use a more secure password for MySQL on your production server ;-)

Best regards

Peter De Berdt

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