>> <%= form_for :subcomment, :remote => true, :url =>
>> user_subcomments_path(@user) do |form| %>
>>           <%= form.text_field :body %>
>>         <p><%= submit_tag  'Comment' %></p>
>>         <% end %>

> comment_subcomments_path(@comment) (assuming @comment is what the user
> wants to comment on) rather than user_subcomments_path(@user) with a
> hidden field with the comment_id because the user creating an object is
> usually obtainable via your login system (indeed in most cases you don't
> want people to be able to create subcomments as other users just by
> editing the URL the form posts to)
Ok I see your point but now I run into a routes problem which doesn't
come up if I use user_subcomments_path(@user)

When I use 'comment_subcomments_path(@comment)' I get 'No route matches

Of course subcomments_controller exists

This is from routes.rb

resources :comments
resources :subcomments
resources :users

resources :users   do

        resources :comments

  resources :comments   do

        resources :subcomments

  resources :users   do

        resources :subcomments

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