I think trying to model all those relationships solely in your user models
will turn out way more complicated than adding a few extra models to your
app to help capture those relationships. Your concerns about data coupling
are valid, but at some point, you'll have to store the information about
which roles a given user may fullfill, and there's no better place than at
the user model itself, on the database, IMO.

In the case of Cars, a Car would belong_to a User, such that the
association's foreign key (User id) would be located in the Cars table in
your db, and the User tables would not contain that information at all.

As for the superuser having a garage_id == null, I don't think that is much
of a problem, considering it would be a minority of the Users that would
have that role.

One other technique you may consider is the use of class inheritance along
your User models, for example, Customer < User, Admin < User, etc. This way,
certain properties (garage_id, etc.) would be available only in some of the
User subclasses. This has the downside of making things a bit more
complicated at the db level, and your business logic would likely get more
complicated too. Not sure if it would apply to your case, anyway, just
wanted to point out that it is also a valid approach. For a first iteration
on this problem, personally I would have those roles stored right in the
User model (as a String), with methods to test for roles (user.admin?,
user.garage_owner?(garage_id), etc., etc.

As a side note: design is always about compromise, every design choice has
its ups and downs, and it's up to the product designer (you) to weight in on
the goods and bads and make the choices, based on what are your
requirements, constraints, etc. Your concerns are valid, indeed, it shows
you are considering the outcomes of your choices beforehand, which is
generally a good thing. At some point, though, you have to make the cut and
start experimenting, and seeing how things turn out. Especially when dealing
with a business domain (or technology) not fully understood, trying out some
of the options might go a long way helping you understand and decide which
are best for your case.


On Tue, May 17, 2011 at 12:19, Pingu Penguin <li...@ruby-forum.com> wrote:

> Thanks for the reply Paulo, my question was about the business
> relationships involved, and I think you went a long a way towards
> answering it.
> With regards to a Customer being associated with multiple Garages, good
> news, this is not possible, they would have to have separate accounts.
> Your solution is great, but it doesn't address all the problems. How
> would I handle a customer having ownership of their car only? Would I
> add a car_id to User that would be NULL for all users other than
> customers? This makes me uneasy, as the logic about the "roles" each
> user can full fill would be spread around. The roles I could apply in
> cancan would be restricted by the database data. Does that make sense?
> it just seems like cancan, and database would be highly coupled, is it a
> valid concern?
> And how do I handle the superuser having ownership of all garages? I
> guess they would have a garage_id of NULL?
> Considering that a "Garage" is essentially just a name, I was thinking
> that a preferable design would be to somehow model the relationships
> between the different types of user directly, but as I couldn't make
> that work, I am probably on the wrong track.
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