On Friday, May 20, 2011 2:18:50 PM UTC-6, Ruby-Forum.com User wrote:
> Hey all,
> I have a question about this line of code:
>   within "#main-menu" do
>     find("h6", :text => menu).click if menu
>     click_link link
>   end
> def within(selector, &blk)
>   new_blk = proc do
>     begin
>       scope_selectors.push(selector)
>       blk.call
>     ensure
>       scope_selectors.pop
>     end
>   end
>   super(selector.strip, &new_blk)
> end
> First, when within is called, it obviously passes the string
> "#main-menu", but does it also pass the block (the content between do
> and end) as the second argument? The reason why I ask is because notice
> within requires a second argument: &blk.
Yes it does. This is a standard feature/part of ruby. When defining a 
method, you may always put, as the last entry in the list of parameters, a 
parameter with the ampersand '&' prefixed to its name. This "captures" 
(gives you direct access) any block passed to the method by making it 
available as a Proc instance. Otherwise, any block would still be passed in 
(if you called #block_given? it would return true) but the only way to 
"access" it is to call #yield.

So the #within method "captures" any block passed to it and it gets stored 
as a Proc instance, referenced by blk.

Second, we create a proc to convert a code block into an object and
> store that object into new_blk local variable. Then we call the object
> in the super argument list, which adds the selector (e.g. "#main-menu")
> into the scope_selectors array.
There is no "call" on the new_blk variable. The entire method definition is 
pretty much composed of the new Proc's definition (all except the last line 
that calls #super). The "&new_blk" entry in #super's argument list does the 
inverse of what the ampersand in #within's method definition does.

In essence, an entry like: "&arg" in a method definition "captures" a block 
(as a proc) while a similar entry in a method call "sets it free" by making 
the proc appear just as if you'd passed a normal code block to the method.


def asdf(&arg)

Is "effectively" equivalent to

def asdf

And then:

asdf { puts "hi" }

is effectively equivalent to:

x = proc { puts "hi" }

Then it seems like we call the initial
> code block (blk.call)
Yes, _inside_ of the new proc stored in new_blk... 

> adjacent to within(). But the blk code block has
> not been
> converted to a proc,
This was done implicitly by the #within's method definition parameter list's 
"&blk" entry as described above.

> so how is it possible to have a callable block
> then?
> Finally, super is only called on a parent class with a method of the
> same name correct? Because in this case, within() is the only method in
> entire application. super has another purpose?
I don't know of any other purpose. Does the "super" line result in a 
NoMethodError being raised? If not, it's finding _some_ method up the chain 
to call. Is there some other gem or library that adds a #within method to 
Object or some other ruby magic like #method_missing somewhere up the chain?

> Thanks for response.
> -- 
> Posted via http://www.ruby-forum.com/.

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