I'm working with a Struct that I mapped from a raw sql query for a
report.  I finally get the search page to work and display my results,
however the view when rendered not only displays the expected output;
it also shows the Struct as it would look in the rails console!

my view is as follows:

<%=form_tag request.path,:method=>'get'  do%>
<%=submit_tag "Search",:name=>nil%>

<div id="list">

<%=@assigned_students.each do |student| %>
<%= render :partial => 'assigned_student',:collection=>student %>

The partial is as follows:

<%if @assigned_students.kind_of?(Array)%>
<%=@assigned_students.each do |f|%>

<p><%=@assigned_students.advisor%>     </p>
<p><%=@assigned_students.semester%>>  </p>

The relevant controller code is as follows: (I've removed the sql
query string itself for readability.)

def advisor_list

respond_to do |format|
        unless params[:advisors].nil?
                        #long query removed from here
    end #end respond_to
        end #ends unless
  end # ends method

Does anyone here understand what could be the problem?

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