Well, I think Fred may be right. The path to my app contains some
Chinese, like "桌面". So I removed it to another directory, but there
came with a new error "undefined method `name' for nil:NilClass"
instead of the old one.

comment.commenter is a nilclass !!!    but <%= comment.commenter %> it
got #<User:0xa86725c>

here is the model,there may be some problem.

class User < ActiveRecord::Base
  has_many :comments, :dependent => :destory

class Comment < ActiveRecord::Base
  belongs_to :commentable, :polymorphic => true
  belongs_to :micropost
  belongs_to :commenter, :class_name => "User", :foreign_key =>
  has_many :comments, :as => :commentable, :dependent => :destroy
# A comment can also be commented

On 6月7日, 下午5时06分, Colin Law <clan...@googlemail.com> wrote:
> 2011/6/7 Jeweller <jiangna...@gmail.com>:
> Could you not top post please, insert your reply at appropriate points
> in the previous post, that makes it easier to follow the thread.
> > Sorry, I don't know how to test it. I'm new to Rails. Could you
> > specify it?
> > Or let's say if you want a user able to comment on microposts and also
> > comments, what would you do?
> > I just don't want to use "act_as_commentable" gem, because I'm trying
> > to learn
> I think Frederick is suggesting that there may be some unusual
> characters in the path to your app that is causing the unusual error
> messages.  What is the path to the app (something like
> /home/jeweller/myapp for example)?
> If there are such characters then the easy test to see if this is the
> problem is to copy the entire app to a different location and run it
> there (or just rename folders to ascii text).
> Colin
> > On 6月7日, 下午2时50分, Frederick Cheung <frederick.che...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >> On Jun 7, 3:37 am, Jeweller <jiangna...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >> > thanks ,Fred.
> >> >  I still don't understand,because in the model I use the
> >> > "validates_presense_of :commenter" to make sure the commenter
> >> > won't be nil.
> >> > Here's the file I used to generate sample data.
> >> > require 'faker'
> >> > def make_comments
> >> >   Micropost.all.each do |micropost|
> >> >     User.all(:limit => 2).each do |user|
> >> >       micropost.comments.create!(:content =>
> >> > Faker::Lorem.sentence(4), :commenter => user)
> >> >     end
> >> >   end
> >> > end
> >> > Now, every micropost has two comments, and the commenters are the
> >> > first,and the second one in the database.
> >> > In your opinon, what may brings to the situation ---" the path to your
> >> > rails app contain some non ASCII characters"
> >> I don't think it's related to the actual problem in your app but I do
> >> think it could be triggering a bug in the backtrace cleaner stuff in
> >> rails, which is obscuring the actual error you get. Should be easy
> >> enough to test this hypothesis
> >> Fred
> >> > On 6月7日, 上午2时29分, Frederick Cheung <frederick.che...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >> > > On Jun 6, 4:34 pm, Jeweller <jiangna...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >> > > > so I placed this line in the home.html.erb  to test
> >> > > > <%= @feed_items.first.comments.first.commenter.name %>
> >> > > > it's worked!
> >> > > > I'm very confused. I mean what's the difference between these two
> >> > > > ways?  And also the error message, it's very strange. because I've
> >> > > > specified utf-8 encoding in the database.yml
> >> > > Well the main difference is that this is only displaying a single
> >> > > name. If for example there is a comment where comment.commenter is nil
> >> > > then calling .name on it would raise an error but your second example
> >> > > would be ok unless the bad comment happens to be the first comment of
> >> > > the first item.
> >> > > I think the actual error message you get is something unrelated
> >> > > happening during the process of preparing the error page. Does the
> >> > > path to your rails app contain some non ASCII characters perhaps?
> >> > > Fred.
> > --
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