On Jun 6, 4:22 pm, danimashu <daniel.madrid.re...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello,
> I've a usually structure with Post has_many Tags through Taggings. All
> works well and clean. But I'm having problems with the next scope on
> Post:
> scope :tagged, lambda {|tag_id| joins(:taggings).where(:taggings =>
> {:tag_id => tag_id}) }
> All works fine for call of only one Tag like: Post.tagged("sport") .
> The problem comes when you want to show the adverts that have any tag
> OR other, like well: Post.tagged(%w{sport people}). Then, the INNER
> JOIN do that I may get repeated results of Post. For example, if I may
> have two Post with "sport" and "people" tag each one, with the
> previous call, I would get 4 results.

Haven't tried it, but maybe grouping on posts.id would do the right

--Matt Jones

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