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On Jul 19, 2011, at 6:33 PM, Jen <> wrote:

> I forgot to mention that currently each of my tables is handled by a separate 
> controller.
> I thought this would be ok and anything entered in my resources _form partial 
> would be handled by the 'resources' controller etc. However looking at the 
> rails cast source code has confused me a bit, as it seems that all the tables 
> are managed by one controller. Are my nested fields not rendering because the 
> universities table and resources have their own totally separate controllers?
> I will be experimenting with this more tomorrow. If someone could clarify 
> this point about the controllers it would really help.
> Thanks,
> Jen!
> On 19/07/11 16:49, Jen wrote:
>>    Hi Barney,
>> I believe I am having the same problem you experienced, though my code is a 
>> little different. If you or anyone else can tell me how to solve it that 
>> would be great!
>> I am creating a db of Universities and resources. One University can have 
>> many resources, but one resource can only come from one University. I am 
>> trying to create a form with nested attributes, so hat users wil be 
>> encouraged to give details about the University where the resource comes 
>> from.
>> Code from views/universities/_form:
>> <%= form_for(@university) do |f| %>
>> <% if @university.errors.any? %>
>> <div id="error_explanation">
>> <h2><%= pluralize(@university.errors.count, "error") %> prohibited this 
>> university from being saved:</h2>
>> <ul>
>> <% @university.errors.full_messages.each do |msg| %>
>> <li><%= msg %></li>
>> <% end %>
>> </ul>
>> </div>
>> <% end %>
>> <div class="field">
>> <%= f.label :name %><br />
>> <%= f.text_field :name %>
>> </div>
>> <div class="field">
>> <%= f.label :address %><br />
>> <%= f.text_field :address %>
>> </div>
>> <div class="field">
>> <%= f.label :country %><br />
>> <%= f.text_field :country %>
>> </div>
>> <% f.fields_for :resources do |builder| %>

You have to make sure that a resource has been built for it to show the fields, 
otherwise the fields_for call will not display the form fields as there is not 
a model Instance behind the fields. This is usually done by scoping a build 
through the association.  For example if a university has a has_many 
association named resources then somewhere in the controller or view you would 
have to make a call similar to: This will create a 
new instance of the resources model to be used by fields for.  

>> <%= render "resources/form", :f => builder %>
>> <% end %>
>> <div class="actions">
>> <%= f.submit %>
>> </div>
>> <% end %>
>> Code from views/resources/_form:
>> <div class="field">
>> <%= f.label :subject %><br />
>> <%= f.text_field :subject %>
>> </div>
>> <div class="field">
>> <%= f.label :course %><br />
>> <%= f.text_field :course %>
>> </div>
>> <div class="field">
>> <%= f.label :alternative_use %><br />
>> <%= f.text_field :alternative_use %>
>> </div>
>> <div class="field">
>> <%= f.label :author %><br />
>> <%= f.text_field :author %>
>> </div>
>> <div class="field">
>> <%= f.label :resource_type %><br />
>> <%= f.text_field :resource_type %>
>> </div>
>> Code from models:
>>    class University < ActiveRecord::Base
>> has_many :resources
>> accepts_nested_attributes_for :resources, :allow_destroy => :true,
>>    :reject_if => proc { |attrs| attrs.all? { |k, v| v.blank? } }
>> attr_accessible :resource_attributes
>> end
>> class Resource < ActiveRecord::Base
>> #Defines the relationship between resource and user.
>> belongs_to :user
>> belongs_to :university
>> attr_accessible :resource_type, :subject, :author, :course, :alternative_use,
>> #Need to add some more validation to the fields.
>> def
>>  if search
>>    find(:all, :conditions => ['subject LIKE ?', "%#{search}%"])
>>  else
>>    find(:all)
>>  end
>> end
>> #End class.
>> end
>> Thanks in advance,
>> Jen!
>> On 17/07/11 22:27, Barney wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>>      An earlier post where I asked how to put mulitple tables's input
>>> on one screen was answered with "accepts_nested_attributes_for" and
>>> that seems to be what I need, but nothing appears on the screen for
>>> the nested section.  I've been using ideas from:
>>> The following are my classes and a little code from the
>>> "_form.html.erb" that I'm trying to make work:
>>> class Person<  ActiveRecord::Base
>>>    default_scope :order =>  'last_name'
>>>    has_many :people_skills
>>>    accepts_nested_attributes_for :people_skills, :update_only =>
>>> true, :allow_destroy =>  true
>>> end
>>> class PeopleSkill<  ActiveRecord::Base
>>>    belongs_to :person
>>> end
>>> Also, there is a field in the people_skills table that is person_id,
>>> which I remember reading in the "Agile.." book creates an FK there.
>>> <%= form_for(@person) do |f| %>
>>> <% if @person.errors.any? %>
>>>     # ... usual code concerning errors
>>> <% end %>
>>> <%= f.fields_for :people_skills do |builder| %>
>>> <%= builder.label :skill, "Skill" %><br />
>>> <%= builder.text_field :skill %>
>>> </p>
>>> <p>
>>> <%= builder.label :competency, "Competency" %><br />
>>> <%= builder.text_field :competency %>
>>> </p>
>>> <% end %>
>>> <table>
>>> <tr>
>>> <td>
>>> <div class="field">
>>> <%= f.label :first_name %><br />
>>> <%= f.text_field :first_name %>
>>> </div>
>>> </td>
>>> <td>
>>> The table data for the class "Person" shows up fine, but anything with
>>> the "f.fields_for..." is invisible (but doesn't cause a syntax
>>> error).  What DOES cause an error is to put
>>> "" in the "new" method of
>>> people_controller.rb.
>>> So, I'm looking for a way to have one screen which creates entries in
>>> 2 tables, linked by the PK-FK.  What am I doing wrong or forgetting to
>>> do?
>>>      Thanks,
>>>           Barney
>> \
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