wrote in post #1012427:
> I am a designer guy not a programmer. My coding skills are html, css
> and some jquery tweaks to suit my needs, but i come to a point where i
> think i need to learn a real language. What i'm doing now is working
> with Textpattern or Wordpress(but i dont really like it) when i need
> some dynamic web site. So my question is: is RoR viable for me or is
> to overwhelming. Should I stick to my current situation and be and
> average cms "tweaker" or learn a new language to boost my toolbox? I
> asked this same question on another forum and 90% of the replies where
> to learn PHP and work with wordpress ( but the code ....).
> I have the Learn to Program and the Agile Web Development with Rails
> books and if i go with RoR maybe should i buy also Ruby on Rails 3
> Tutorial Live Lessons book+video to help me out?
> Please try to be unbiased as possible in the advices :)
> Thanks in advance

I know lots of programming languages, including ruby.  I am currently
reading Ruby on Rails 3 Tutorial.  In my opinion, you should run 
away...far away.
Rails tutorials lead you step by step as you create a fairly simple 
website with some nice features.
But you won't have any idea what you are doing, and if you make a
mistake copying what is in the tutorial, you will find it very 
frustrating to track down the

After finishing a rails tutorial, if you put the book away and then try 
make the exact same website without the book, you will find it
impossible.   And if you have notions of creating another website with
different features--no way.  Rails is too complex and confusing.  If you
work as a professional web programmer somewhere where you need to crank
out 100 websites a month, AND you have many years of web programming
behind you, then trying to learn ROR *may* be worth it.

In your case, you will have much more fun if you learn php, which is the
easiest language for web programming.   That will still be plenty
challenging for you.   There is plenty of room to grow with php too. 
can learn a php framework (rather than rails)--if you decide to go in
that direction, and then you won't have to learn a new language, i.e.
ruby to learn a framework.

In my opinion, the major shortcoming of learning php is that it is not a
general purpose language, like python and ruby.  I think learning python
would be a better choice, because you can use it for both web
programming and writing other programs.  However, python isn't quite as
easy to use for web programming as php.

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