On Thu, Jul 28, 2011 at 8:02 AM, Damien Knight <li...@ruby-forum.com> wrote:

> so you think, i have to set the mime-type of each attachment
> manually/explicitly?

First off, I'd recommend possibly contacting people in the "Ruby's Mail
Discussion Group"


I was saying that the problem *might* be that there are extraneous
"Mime-Version" and "Date" headers at the start of each of the 2 parts of the
multi-part message. These headers are needed ("Date" is required for all
emails and "Mime-Version" is required multi-part messages) at the email
message level (the first chunk of headers before the multi-part sections in
the body). However, these headers are *not* needed in the header sections of
the individual parts of the multi-part message. My theory is that some
clients may (incorrectly) be choking (and not displaying the fact that
you've got an attachment) because of these unnecessary headers.

This is totally a shot in the dark. Without combing through all the
email/multi-part/mime RFCs and doing extensive testing of this theory using
hand-crafted messages in many email clients, I have no way to verify this.

My actual recommendation to you is that you really see if you can somehow
get a communication channel directly to a client that next reports having
this problem. My understanding being that your problem is sporadic. I don't
know how your organization/company is setup and/or how many layers/levels of
organizational/corporate barriers exist to make this difficult or
impossible. But you need to reproduce the problem else all we can do is

Perhaps you could include a footer/sub-text on messages w/instructions that
clients contact a specific email address or phone number if they get an
email and they can't see their attachments? Then have at least a few
instances of the next few support requests for this specific problem
redirect to you or your development team. Then you could perhaps talk the
client through the steps necessary to tell you exactly what type and
versions of OS and email client software their running. You could also have
them send the broken message to you by forwarding it as an attachment.

Then you can extract the message and set up a test environment w/the broken
email client software and verify that the forwarded email doesn't "work" in
said client. At this point, using a simple text editor, you could then
*test* theories as to why its broken by making a series of changes (keeping
the original) one at a time to the email and opening it in the broken client
until you isolate the exact aspect of the message causing the client to not
display the attachment.

Only then, once you know what the real problem is, can you get advice as to
what to do using actionmailer and the mail gem to send emails that won't
have the attachment problem.

I sympathize with you. I basically had a very similar problem and had to
solve it for my company using this technique. However, my problem had to do
with Thunderbird not liking the default way the hierarchy of "parts" in our
multi-part messages (as created by the mail gem using the most obvious
message construction code) were constructed/organized. Your example,
however, was a simple "multipart/mixed" mixed message w/a text part and an
attachment. If this is how all your messages are structured (no
"multipart/alternative" stuff) then you've got a different problem that me.

Hope you find what the problem is.

Kendall Gifford

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