On 4 August 2011 14:19, Matt Davies <li...@ruby-forum.com> wrote:
> Hello there
> I've got a fresh ubuntu box and done some magic to it to get 32 bit
> unixODBC to connect to a 32 bit third party driver on a 64 bit Ubuntu
> box.  isql is working.
> http://webdev.blogs.glam.ac.uk/2011/08/04/32-bit-odbc-driver-with-32-bit-unixodbc-on-a-64-bit-ubuntu-os/
> I now have to test connecting to this database using ruby, in order to
> get my rails app to talk to it.
> We're only pulling bits of data out here to populate a couple of pages
> with stuff, it's not the main database that runs the app.
> I've installed RVM on the machine, and then install ruby 1.8.7 using rvm
> which ruby
> /home/nonrootuser/.rvm/rubies/ruby-1.8.7-p352/bin/ruby
> I've then downloaded the ruby-odbc driver from here
> http://www.ch-werner.de/rubyodbc/ruby-odbc-0.99994.tar.gz
> expanded it and I'm in the folder
> So now, to follow the instructions
> http://www.ch-werner.de/rubyodbc/README
>  I do
> ruby -Cext extconf.rb --enable-dlopen
> straight away, an error
> ruby: Can't chdir to ext (fatal)
> maybe it's a typo in the instructions, let's try putting a space between
> the -C and ext, like it is in the make commands
> ruby -C ext extconf.rb --enable-dlopen
> ruby: Can't chdir to ext (fatal)

It appears to be expecting there to be a directory called ext in the
current dir, containing extconf.rb.  Can you see such a folder in the
unpacked files?  Perhaps you are running from the wrong directory.


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