Eshwar Gouthama wrote in post #1016869:
> Hi Everyone,
> After finding these am concatenating all these three like this
>    devices = windows_devices.concat(unix_devices)
>    @devices = devices.concat(network_devices)

@devices = windows_devices + unix_devices + network_devices

> I need to loop @devices in the view and i need to display the IP
> Address for the all the devices.
> When i do <%= device.IPAddress %> am getting error because the other
> device uses the attribute
> IPAddress_65AC01F1_F20E_CE0D_42CA_B24D1DE49E5F .
> I was struck with this issue. Please help me in this issue asap.
> I tried like this also <%= check_scom_column(device) %> in the view.
> And in helper i provided like this
>   def check_scom_column(device)
>     if device.IPAddress
>       return device.IPAddress
>     elsif device.IPAddress_65AC01F1_F20E_CE0D_42CA_B24D1DE49E5F
>       return device.IPAddress_65AC01F1_F20E_CE0D_42CA_B24D1DE49E5F
>     end
>   end
> But it is giving me error undefined method `IPAddress' for
> #<BaseManagedEntity:0x492d7d0>

if device.respond_to?(:IPAddress)

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