On Aug 18, 2011, at 6:05 PM, 7stud -- wrote:

Tim Shaffer wrote in post #1017353:
<%= prints the contents of the tag,

Well, it never meant that.  <%= tells ruby to print the result of the
expression between the tags.  For instance,

<%= 2+2 %>

would not print '2 + 2', it would print '4'.  But even the "result of
the expression" isn't an entirely accurate description--because in rails
3 you write:

<%= form_for(@user) do |f| %>

which doesn't fit that description. In ruby, 'form_for(@user) do | f|'
isn't an expression--it's the first half of a loop/block, so it's an
incomplete expression.   In other words, in ruby if you wrote:

result = some_func(arg) do |x|

you would get an error. Maybe its best to think of <%= form_for() as an
exception to the rule?

One example of how <%= and <% differ is this:

<% 3.times do |i| %>
<div>loop: <%= i %></div>
<% end %>

The <% tags just execute the ruby code and don't enter any text onto the
page, which causes ruby/.erb to loop over the <div> tag 3 times.  The
<%= tag inside the loop prints the value of the variable i. So you get:

<div>loop: 0</div>
<div>loop: 1</div>
<div>loop: 2</div>

Here's another way to look at this. '<%=' is a shortcut for '<% puts'. There's a similar construction in PHP: '<?=' is a shortcut for '<?php echo (or print)'.


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