On Sep 4, 7:53 pm, Ilya Boltnev <roadtounive...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I create scaffold and trying to save text with cirllic symbols
> i recieved:
> Encoding::UndefinedConversionError: U+043F from UTF-8 to US-ASCII:
> my database charset is utf8
> in database.yml encoding:utf8
> why rails is still trying to convert text to ascii?
> what should i do to save my data in utf8?

What is it that raises this error ? If for example you were writing
data to a file you would need to make sure that the file was opened
with the correct encoding set. Another problem that can occur is if
you have a utf8 string that has come from your database but you then
perform some operation with a string literal. Unless your files have a
magic encoding comment at the top, that string literal will default to


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