Ok that makes sense.  Thank you.

Though I'm still not getting this to work. Where do I go from here?

I created the images_controller and created routes for them.  I looked
into this and saw some one else doing this in their controller to handle
'documents' (pdfs, jpgs, pngs, etc)
  def show
    @image = Image.find(params[:id])
    respond_to do |format|
      @imgstyle = params[:style].blank? ?  # ERROR B?C imgstyle == nil
        params[:format].blank? ? nil : params[:format].to_sym :
      mime_type = case @imgstyle
        when :thumb, :preview then "jpeg"
        when :original then "tiff"

      # render show action
      format.html {}

      # send original for download
      format.original { |format| send_file @image.path(:original),
:filename => @image.filename }

      # used with image_tag helper to send file to the browser
      format.any      { |format| send_file @image.path(@imgstyle), :type
=> "image/#{mime_type}", :filename => @image.filename, :disposition =>
'inline' }

and it makes sense, but how do I get my show action for Character
(characters/show.html.haml) to contact the images_controller for the
show action?

Again thank you for your help.  Definitely pointed my in the right

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