Hesham Amiri wrote in post #1023058:
> I have a rails 3.1 app running on Heroku and am about to add user
> authentication.
> I have also attached a ssl cert and plan on using secure.mydomain.com
> for registration and sign in.
> I know that I can force a model to use ssl easily in 3.1.
> But how to I make sure that the generated route paths for the user
> default to the secure Subdomain?
> Example: if a user clicks sign up or sign in he is sent to
> https://secure.mydomain.com
> If it matters, I'm planning on using devise, but I'm fine with rolling
> my own if need be.

What is the benefit of using a subdomain for SSL? Why not keep your life 
simple and put the SSL cert on mydomain.com or use a wildcard cert on 
*.mydomain.com? SSL run through a different port anyway so why the need 
for a separate subdomain?

As for handling routing to subdomains, this might help:


P.S. I'm not trying to be difficult, I really would like to know the 
benefit gained by using a subdomain.

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