Hi Jeff

Maybe you should try reading this
and check carefully the "reject if" option

Hope this can help you

On 9 nov, 16:42, Jeff Miller <li...@ruby-forum.com> wrote:
> Hi guys,
>   I'm having a bit of a frustrating problem -- I've got two models,
> drivers and incidents. A driver can have many incidents and the form for
> drivers includes a section for incidents (using fields_for). However, a
> driver can also have zero incidents, so on the form there is a radio
> button that shows/hides the incidents stuff. My problem is that I need
> it to validate ONLY if the user has specified that radio button to true.
> Here's what I have set up:
> driver.rb
> ...
> has_many :incidents
> accepts_nested_attributes_for :incidents, :allow_destroy => true
> ...
> incident.rb
> ...
> belongs_to :driver
> bunch of validations
> ...
> drivers_controller.rb (create)
> ...
> params_hash = params[:driver]
>     unless params[:driver][:suspended_or_revoked] == "true"
>       params_hash.delete('incidents_attributes')
>       @driver = Driver.new(params_hash)
>     else
>       @driver = Driver.new(params[:driver])
>     end
> ..
> What I try to do is delete the incidents_attributes hash from the driver
> params, assuming that since it's not submitting any data to incidents,
> it won't go through the validations. However, it DOES go through the
> validations, regardless of if I have that hash in there or not.
> Basically, I'm trying to bypass the validations for incidents (and
> prevent creating incident objects) if the driver selected "no" to the
> [:driver][:suspended_or_revoked] question. I know that the condition in
> the controller is working, as I've done some logger.debug stuff to make
> sure it's going to the right blocks.
> From what I've researched, this is the standard way to do this, but it
> doesn't seem to work (at least in Rails 3.1) .... can somebody point me
> in the right direction here?
> Any and all help is appreciated :)
> Thanks,
>   - Jeff
> --
> Posted viahttp://www.ruby-forum.com/.

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