Hi there!

I experienced an issue with routing.

Basically, I'm trying to follow step-by-step the Rails' official guides
process for what concerns the nested routing.
So, I have Newspapers that has_many :ads , and :ads belongs to
:newspaper .

What I did was simply trying to obtain an URL like this:


but when I set routes.rb in this way:

resources :newspapers do
   resources :ads

(as specified in Rails' guides), I obtain this error :

No route matches {:controller=>"ads", :action=>"show", :id=>#<Ad id: 1,
product: "an ad", created_at: "2011-11-10 19:54:12", updated_at:
"2011-11-10 19:55:06", newspaper_id: 1>}

Am I forgetting something?


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