On Nov 11, 10:12 pm, Carson Cole <carson.c...@gmail.com> wrote:
> How could one modularlize a group of filters to be used in many models? I
> like to avoid this (again, I am doing this in many models):
> class Something
>   before_filter :a
>   before_filter :b
>   after_filter :c
> end
> and instead, just be able to do this (something like it)
> class Something
>   ....
> end
> Is this solvable through inheritance?

So, you could have an abstract base class, but obviously doesn't help
if you have multiple sets of callbacks, filters etc and models need to
be able to mix and match at will

A more flexible way, using modules is

module MyCallbackPackage
  extend ActiveSupport::Concern
  included do
    before_filter :a
    before_filter :b

  def a
  def b

then you can do

class MyController < ActionController::Base
  include MyCallbackPackage

The ActiveSupport::Concern gives you the included method and makes
that side of things more convenient. You don't need to use it - you
can achieve it all through self.included


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