Check that you have gcc installed.

This error comes up if it is not installed, because of the method they
use to check the existence of sqlite3.h: They simply try to compile this
one-line program:

#include <sqlite3.h>

If the compilation fails, they tell you that sqlite3.h is missing, but
the compilation will also fail if gcc is not present. It's not a very
smart check...

Lisa Concli wrote in post #641008:
> Hi to everyone!
> I'm new with Ruby on Rails..
> I use linux (an italian distribution, that is just like Slackware)
> I'm writing my first program with rails.. Nothing special.. it is the
> famous Hello World..!
> (I'm reading the book of Dave Thomas "Agile Web Development with Rails")
> Well the problem is that when I point my browser to
> http://localhost:3000/dire/ciao
> ("dire" is my controller and "ciao" is the action)
> the browser displays this problem:
>  MissingSourceFile in DireController#ciao
>  no such file to load -- sqlite3
>  This error occurred while loading the following files:
>    sqlite3
> So I write in my shell:
>  gem install sqlite3-ruby
> The gem was installed, but the problem remains..!
> Do you know what should I do?
> I don't know if I have to change something in the file database.yml..?
> database.yml:
>  # SQLite version 3.x
>  #   gem install sqlite3-ruby (not necessary on OS X Leopard)
>  development:
>    adapter: sqlite3
>    database: db/development.sqlite3
>    timeout: 5000
>  # Warning: The database defined as 'test' will be erased and
>  # re-generated from your development database when you run 'rake'.
>  # Do not set this db to the same as development or production.
>  test:
>    adapter: sqlite3
>    database: db/test.sqlite3
>    timeout: 5000
>  production:
>    adapter: sqlite3
>    database: db/production.sqlite3
>    timeout: 5000
> Can someone help me?
> Thanks!!!
> Lisa

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