brent brent wrote in post #1033872:
> Folks im new to rails and was wondering how i would access these
> elements from my view
> in my controller i have
> @data = Editpatient.find(:all, :conditions => ["patient_id = ?",
> params[:patients]] )
> and in the view i have <%= @data %>
> this displays all the data but i only want one field. This is what is
> displayed.
> [#<Editpatient id: 27, patient_id: 14, provider_id: 11, weight_gained:
> 123, weight_lost: nil, created_at: "2011-11-26 21:07:13", updated_at:
> "2011-11-26 21:07:13", patient_name: nil, provider_name: nil>]
> the only field i want is patient_id
> ive tried this in the view    @data[:patient_id]     and i get
> can't convert Symbol into Integer
> any help is appreciated thanks

Thanks for the help Hassan
This is just a test app that im using to get the hang of ruby and rails. 
Your method worked perfectly.

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