I created a file 'csv_string' as follows

def export_raw
    @device = Device.find_by_id( params[:id] )
    @messages = @device.devmessages.all( :order => "id", :conditions =>
["packettime >= ? and packettime <= ?", params[:start_time],
params[:end_time]] )
    csv_string = FasterCSV.generate do |csv|
    csv << ["Packet", "Server Receive Time"]
    @messages.each_with_index do |m,i|
     x = m.created_at
      csv << [m.message, x.strftime('%h %d, %G %r')]

   send_file csv_string, :type => "application/csv", :x_sendfile=> true,
:filename => "rawdata.csv"

  # send_data(csv_string,
   # :type => 'text/csv; charset=utf-8; header=present',
    #:filename => filename)

I am able to download the file using

"send_data csv_string, :type => "application/csv", :filename

But I am unable to download same file using

"send_file csv_string, :type => "application/csv", :x_sendfile=> true,
:filename => "rawdata.csv"

It gives the error saying that string contains null byte.

Can anyone please help me in resolving this issue?

Thank you

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