OK, i did try your example and the circles disappear, but never
update. Then, nothing. there are no errors in the inspect element of
chrome under the console, nothing updates, it just kinda freezes
there. I can see the queries being pulled in the webrick server logs.
a prettier image of the code is here http://pastie.org/3014696
(also more complete).
I know i am fumbling over something obvious here, but just cannot seem
to work it out.

when i use the request address update_mapv3_circles in a browser, this
is the response
557,"#7F7F7F","#FF0000",287.8,287.6,"AL<br>0 psi",0],
34280,"#7F7F7F","#FF0000",83.6,83.1,"DC<br>0 psi",0],
37241,"#000000","#FF0000",81.7,81.7,"DC2<br>0 psi",0],
559,"#7F7F7F","#FF0000",74.6,74.5,"J1<br>0 psi",0],
261.0,261.0,"J2<br>0 psi",0],["35.931354","-102.31308",
110823130,"#7F7F7F","#FF0000",165.5,165.6,"SL2<br>0 psi",0],
563,"#7F7F7F","#FF0000",89.3,89.3,"SL4<br>0 psi",0],
564,"#7F7F7F","#FF0000",23.0,23.4,"SL5<br>0 psi",0],
7882,"#7F7F7F","#FF0000",95.8,95.8,"SL6<br>0 psi",0]]

in the view source of the website where <%= @mapped_sites.to_json %>
is , i have this
var sites = [["35.931341","-102.32205",381.75,287.4,"AL","AL",
557,"#7F7F7F","#FF0000",287.8,287.6,"AL<br>0 psi",0],
34280,"#7F7F7F","#FF0000",83.6,83.1,"DC<br>0 psi",0],
37241,"#000000","#FF0000",81.7,81.7,"DC2<br>0 psi",0],
559,"#7F7F7F","#FF0000",74.6,74.5,"J1<br>0 psi",0],
261.0,261.0,"J2<br>0 psi",0],["35.931354","-102.31308",
110823130,"#7F7F7F","#FF0000",165.5,165.6,"SL2<br>0 psi",0],
563,"#7F7F7F","#FF0000",89.3,89.3,"SL4<br>0 psi",0],
564,"#7F7F7F","#FF0000",23.0,23.4,"SL5<br>0 psi",0],
7882,"#7F7F7F","#FF0000",95.8,95.8,"SL6<br>0 psi",0]];

Anyway, thanks for all of your help so far, this is at least less
baffling to me than it was a couple of days ago.


On Dec 14, 2:52 am, Frederick Cheung <frederick.che...@gmail.com>
> On 14 Dec 2011, at 05:47, skrite <sh...@skrite.net> wrote:
> > ok, even though the @mapped_sites.to_json works, the output of that
> > does not look like json. It looks like an array
> If my memory is correct, that's valid json too ( as are most literals). It's 
> common for the top level thing to be an object rather than an array, but not 
> mandatory. Since the thing you called to_json on was an array, you got the 
> json representation of an array back.
> To get the non text version of the response, like I said earlier look at 
> response.responseJSON
> Fred
> > example:
> > var sites = [["35.931341","-102.32205",381.75,288.0,"AL","AL",
> > 557,"#7F7F7F","#FF0000",287.1,288.3,"AL<br>0 psi",0],
> > ["35.88125039","-102.3088989",525.0,83.4,"DC","DC",
> > 34280,"#7F7F7F","#FF0000",83.1,83.3,"DC<br>0 psi",0],
> > ["35.88125039","-102.3226989",525.0,81.7,"DC2","DC2",
> > 37241,"#000000","#FF0000",81.7,81.7,"DC2<br>0 psi",0],
> > ["35.92361","-102.308768",534.75,73.7,"J1","J1",
> > 559,"#7F7F7F","#FF0000",74.7,73.8,"J1<br>0 psi",0],
> > ["35.92332","-102.32096",493.5,261.0,"J2","J2",560,"#7F7F7F","#FF0000",
> > 261.0,261.0,"J2<br>0 psi",0],["35.931354","-102.31308",
> > 397.5,80.8,"SL1","SL1",561,"#7F7F7F","#FF0000",81.3,81.9,"SL1<br>0
> > psi",0],["35.931186","-102.304202",390.0,165.2,"SL2","SL2",
> > 110823130,"#7F7F7F","#FF0000",165.4,165.6,"SL2<br>0 psi",0],
> > ["35.938729","-102.29968",397.5,89.3,"SL4","SL4",
> > 563,"#7F7F7F","#FF0000",89.3,89.3,"SL4<br>0 psi",0],
> > ["35.931301","-102.29965",397.5,23.7,"SL5","SL5",
> > 564,"#7F7F7F","#FF0000",23.9,23.0,"SL5<br>0 psi",0],
> > ["35.924694","-102.299034",333.75,95.8,"SL6","SL6",
> > 7882,"#7F7F7F","#FF0000",95.8,95.8,"SL6<br>0 psi",0]];
> > and the code seems to work with it like an array. How do i get the
> > responseText from the server as an array?
> > thanks again.
> > sk
> > On Dec 13, 4:08 pm, Frederick Cheung <frederick.che...@gmail.com>
> > wrote:
> >> On 13 Dec 2011, at 19:54, skrite <sh...@skrite.net> wrote:
> >>> Jim.
> >>> You are correct, when i show typeof(sites) from when sites = <%=
> >>> @mapped_sites =>
> >>> i get object
> >>> when i do typeof(sites) after getting sites from the
> >>> url_that_returns_json
> >>> i get string
> >> responseText is always going to be text if I remember how prototype 
> >> handles thing (the text will just happen to be the string representation 
> >> of the json).
> >> If the response content-type was set correctly then response.responseJson 
> >> (or something like that) should be populated
> >> Fred
> >>> i suppose that i am not getting returned correctly.
> >>> if i look at the source of @mapped_sites
> >>> and from the browser look at url_that_returns_json,
> >>> they are identical.
> >>> thanks for your help, again.
> >>> I have learned a lot the last couple of days :)
> >>> On Dec 12, 6:22 pm, Jim Ruther Nill <jvn...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >>>> On Tue, Dec 13, 2011 at 6:08 AM, skrite <sh...@skrite.net> wrote:
> >>>>> I am doing something similar here. The website is built on rails 2.3.9
> >>>>> and
> >>>>> uses prototype.
> >>>>> Almost all of what i need to happen does, but i get to the point where
> >>>>> the update happens and nothing does.
> >>>>> // add circles to map as it initializes
> >>>>>    addCircles(sites, map, markerArray, lineArray);
> >>>>>    var pe = new 
> >>>>> PeriodicalExecuter(refreshCircleMarkers.curry(markerArray,
> >>>>> lineArray, map), 33);
> >>>>> function refreshCircleMarkers(markerArray, lineArray, map) {
> >>>>>   // first we remove the existing markers in place
> >>>>>   for(i=0; i<markerArray.length; i++) {
> >>>>>     markerArray[i].setMap(null);
> >>>>>   }
> >>>>   // and empty the array itself>   markerArray = [];
> >>>>>   var url = "/group/update_mapv3_circles";
> >>>>>   new Ajax.Request(url, {
> >>>>>     method: 'get',
> >>>>>     onSuccess: function(response) {
> >>>>>       var sites = response.responseText;
> >>>>>       addCircles(sites, map, markerArray, lineArray);
> >>>>>     }
> >>>>>   });
> >>>> I see nothing wrong. Does the addCircles function expect a JSON
> >>>> object for the first param?  The only reason I can think why this isn't
> >>>> working
> >>>> is a type mismatch.
> >>>>> If i do an alert(response.responseText) the alert will show up and
> >>>>> display the contents of the @mapped_sites.to_json ( i am using
> >>>>> render :json => @mapped_sites.to_json in the controller).
> >>>>> Please let me know if you see something i am doing wrong.
> >>>>> Thanks for your help on this so far Jim.
> >>>>> sk
> >>>>> On Dec 9, 11:49 pm, Jim Ruther Nill <jvn...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >>>>>> On Sat, Dec 10, 2011 at 3:56 AM, skrite <sh...@skrite.net> wrote:
> >>>>>>> I am intrigued by this solution, Jim.
> >>>>>>> i have a couple of questions, as it seems this is a cleaner way than
> >>>>>>> what I am trying to do.
> >>>>>>> The values that determine the circle color are in the database, and
> >>>>>>> can change while the page is loaded. This is why i need them to
> >>>>>>> update.
> >>>>>> i'll still go with my suggestion earlier.  To update the colors, just
> >>>>> update
> >>>>>> the sites variable after completing the ajax request and then call
> >>>>>> addCircles
> >>>>>> your ajax call may look like the following (this is totally untested 
> >>>>>> :D)
> >>>>>> $.ajax({
> >>>>>>   url: your_url_here_that_returns_json_equivalent_of_@mapped_sites,
> >>>>>>   success: function(data) {
> >>>>>>     addCircles(data);
> >>>>>>   }
> >>>>>> });
> >>>>>>> So, somehow i still need to go to the server for that. I guess i am
> >>>>>>> missing the part about how to get the @mapped_sites variable to the
> >>>>>>> controller and back again to the page to rebuild the circles.
> >>>>>>> Thanks for your time on this.
> >>>>>>> sk
> >>>>>>> On Dec 9, 9:48 am, Jim Ruther Nill <jvn...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >>>>>>>> On Fri, Dec 9, 2011 at 11:04 PM, skrite <sh...@skrite.net> wrote:
> >>>>>>>>> Hey, thanks for these links, very helpful.
> >>>>>>>>> -sk
> >>>>>>>>> On Dec 8, 7:49 pm, "L.Karthikeyan" <logkart...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >>>>>>>>>> Hi,
> >>>>>>>>>>       For this you need to use rjs Ajax request. Please refer the
> >>>>>>>>>> following links, you will get an idea.
> >>>>>>>>>> 1.http://railscasts.com/episodes/43-ajax-with-rjs?autoplay=true,
> >>>>>>>>>> 2.
> >>>>>>>http://railscasts.com/episodes/229-polling-for-changes?autoplay=true
> >>>>>>>> one more option is to keep @mapped_sites to a javascript variable so
> >>>>> you
> >>>>>>>> dont have to use ajax.  you might also want to move the makeMarker
> >>>>> part
> >>>>>>>> to a js function to tidy up the view and just call that function
> >>>>> when you
> >>>>>>>> need
> >>>>>>>> to update the colors
> >>>>>>>> something along the lines of
> >>>>>>>> var sites = <%= @mapped_sites.to_json %>;
> >>>>>>>> addCircles(sites);
> >>>>>>>> function addCircles(circles) {
> >>>>>>>>   for(i=0; i<circles.length; i++) {
> >>>>>>>>     center = new google.maps.LatLng(circles[i][0], circles[i][1]);
> >>>>>>>>     siteCircle = makeMarker({
> >>>>>>>>       position: center,
> >>>>>>>>       strokeColor: "#FF0000",
> >>>>>>>>       strokeOpacity: 0.8,
> >>>>>>>>       strokeWeight: 2,
> >>>>>>>>       fillColor: circles[i][7],
> >>>>>>>>       fillOpacity: 0.75,
> >>>>>>>>       radius: 560,
> >>>>>>>>       map: map,
> >>>>>>>>       center: center,
> >>>>>>>>       radius: circles[i][2],
> >>>>>>>>       title: circles[i][5],
> >>>>>>>>       content: 'content'
> >>>>>>>>     });
> >>>>>>>>   }
> >>>>>>>> }
> >>>>>>>> then you just need to update the sites variable using js. no need
> >>>>>>>> to go back to the server.
> >>>>>>>>>> On Thu, Dec 8, 2011 at 1:10 AM, skrite <sh...@skrite.net> wrote:
> >>>>>>>>>>> Hey all,
> >>>>>>>>>>> i have a google map and i am drawing circles on the map like
> >>>>> this..
> >>>>>>>>>>>  var latlng = new google.maps.LatLng(35.931387,
> >>>>>>>>>>> -102.31062);
> >>>>>>>>>>>    var myMapOptions =
> >>>>>>>>>>> {
> >>>>>>>>>>>      zoom:
> >>>>>>>>>>> 12,
> >>>>>>>>>>>      center:
> >>>>>>>>>>> latlng,
> >>>>>>>>>>>      mapTypeId:
> >>>>>>>>>>> google.maps.MapTypeId.HYBRID
> >>>>>>>>>>>    };
> >>>>>>>>>>>    var map = new
> >>>>>>>>>>> google.maps.Map(document.getElementById("map_canvas"),
> >>>>>>>>>>> myMapOptions);
> >>>>>>>>>>>    var infoWindow = new
> >>>>>>>>>>> google.maps.InfoWindow();
> >>>>>>>>>>>    var markerBounds = new
> >>>>>>>>>>> google.maps.LatLngBounds();
> >>>>>>>>>>>   <% @mapped_sites.each do |row|
> >>>>>>>>>>> %>
> >>>>>>>>>>>        // main
> >>>>>>>>>>> circle
> >>>>>>>>>>>        center = new google.maps.LatLng(<%= "#{row[0]}" %>, <%=
> >>>>>>>>>>> "#{row[1]}"
> >>>>>>>>>>> %>);
> >>>>>>>>>>>        siteCircle =
> >>>>>>>>>>> makeMarker({
> >>>>>>>>>>>          position:
> >>>>>>>>>>> center,
> >>>>>>>>>>>          strokeColor:
> >>>>>>>>>>> "#FF0000",
> >>>>>>>>>>>          strokeOpacity:
> >>>>>>>>>>> 0.8,
> >>>>>>>>>>>          strokeWeight:
> >>>>>>>>>>> 2,
> >>>>>>>>>>>          fillColor: '<%= "#{row[7]}"
> >>>>>>>>>>> %>',
> >>>>>>>>>>>          fillOpacity:
> >>>>>>>>>>> 0.75,
> >>>>>>>>>>>          radius:
> >>>>>>>>>>> 560,
> >>>>>>>>>>>          map:
> >>>>>>>>>>> map,
> >>>>>>>>>>>          center:
> >>>>>>>>>>> center,
> >>>>>>>>>>>          radius: <%= "#{row[2]}"
> >>>>>>>>>>> %>,
> >>>>>>>>>>>          title: '<%= "#{row[5]}"
> >>>>>>>>>>> %>',
> >>>>>>>>>>>          content: '<%= "some contnet
> >>>>>>>>>>> %>'
> >>>>>>>>>>>       });
> >>>>>>>>>>>       markerArray.push(siteCircle);
> >>>>>>>>>>> my question is, that since the fillColor is going to change
> >>>>> from
> >>>>>>> time
> >>>>>>>>>>> to time, i want to update all the colors of the circles
> >>>>>>> periodically.
> >>>>>>>>>>> What i don't know how to do is get the equivelent to the
> >>>>>>>>>>> @mapped_sites  because if i could, i think i could just delete
> >>>>> the
> >>>>>>>>>>> existing circles and draw new ones.
> >>>>>>>>>>> How do i get info back from the server periodically to update
> >>>>> the
> >>>>>>>>>>> circle colors?
> >>>>>>>>>>> thanks to all.
> >>>>>>>>>>> skrite
> >>>>>>>>>>> --
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