Javascript should be a better idea here. I am new to Rails and do not 
know how to write javascript inside rails 3. More specifically, two 

1. which event should I respond to? keypress, keydown,keyup?
2. Rails 3 uses Unobtrusive Javascript. All I can think of now is old 
obtrusive one. How can I use unobtrusive one to do this.

Any help with pointing to the right direction would be greatly 

Colin Law wrote in post #1037179:
> On 17 December 2011 20:06, Jay Chaun <> wrote:
>> I am learning Rails 3 and need some help on Ajax part.
>> I am trying to accomplish the following:
>> There is a textarea on the page which has a length of letters
>> constraint, say 100. Every time a symbol is typed there,a nearby label
>> tells you how many letters you have left.
>> I plan to use Ajax to do this.
> If you do that then every time a letter is typed it will have to send
> a request to the server, which is a bad idea.  Use javascript instead.
> Colin

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