Hi All,

I am using Drools 3.0.6 and unable to perform some simple form of
multiplication. I want to compare an object field with another field
multiplied by a factor.


rule* "*Calculate* Business profit,1"

**EMIAgainstProperty* ( bp1 : businessProfit1 )
emi : *EMIAgainstProperty* ( businessProfit2 > *(bp1*1.5)* )


I get an error on creation of the package that * is undefined for Double and
double. I understand this is because Drools does an auto box on primitive
type variables. But is there a work around to do simpler comparisons like
this, especially on the right hand side of the condition. some thing like [
variable * constantValue ].

Also, i am forced to do a declaration for businessProfit1, and use in the
comparison below. I am not able to compare two fields of the same object

some thing like businessProfit2 > businessProfit1 does not work, why is this
so? Any one has faced these problems earlier?

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