
I'm a new user for JBossRules, and I'm feeling like turning around since a while, so i thought that sole body could help... I'm using JBossRules(V4.0.0.12865MR3) on eclipse (Version: 3.3.0 Build id: I20070621-1340) on MS-Windows XP and Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.6.0_01-b06) now the problem is how to use my rules (simple rules in a DRL file) in a dynamic project based on JSP/Servlets... i've imported the compiler, the core, jsr94, decisiontable, and also the core 3.2.3 jars to my build path , but when i try to execute the same code i'm having errors like:
The import org.drools cannot be resolved
but i have imported the core!!
what's wrong? help please

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