hi rod,

just did the same as you described,
all works well, all connection lines can be drawn

(4.0.1, eclipse 3.3, Mac OSX 10.4.10)

Could someone tell me how to use the RuleFlow editor in Eclipse?

I've created a .rf file and I have a Start node.  Next I add a Split node
followed by 2 RuleFlow nodes.  I select the 'connection' tool, click the
Split node and draw a line to my 1st RuleFlow node.  I go back to the
Split node and try to draw a connection line to my 2nd RuleFlow node but
it won't let me.  When I click the Split node it gives me a circle with a
line thru it (which I'm interpreting as meaning "not allowed").  I can't
make a connection between my Start node and my Split node either. What am I doing wrong? Why can't I draw more than 1 connection line? Also, the connection line that I can draw does not have the arrow,
indicating direction, at the end of the line like all the examples I've
seen do.  Is that a problem?  Any help would be appreciated.

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