As part of 4.0.2 we added quite extensive documentation for the examples, not all examples are documented though, but should be enough to keep most people happy. We are just waiting on the IDE fixes before we release 4.0.2.

ekke wrote:
hi malika,

I downloaded drools 4.0.1 examples from:

then unzip
and inside eclipse Import ... General ... Existing projects into workspace
select root directory
navigate to the drools-examples folder
Choose - select all
copy into workspace

all works well in my environment:
Eclipse 3.3 Drools 4.0.1 JDK 5 OSX 10.4.10


Malika wrote:

I am a complete novice in Drools. I would like to see some working
examples. But my issue here is that I don't really know how to try the
examples provided at this link:

I used SVn Chekout option to download the examples on my pc. I have
Eclipse 3.2 installed. I am not sure how to proceed further to import the
project in Eclipse and run it. Could anyone please describe in details
what exactly needs to be done to try an example. What tools do I need
other than Eclipse & SVN to see the result.

I hope all the experts can understand the pain I am going thru:) and share
some experience.


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