I've been thinking about this too, although I idea I had was for a default field.
List( > 5 ) from collect( Bus( color == "red" ) )

So we could define default fields that can be used in the way you said. Open a jira and we'll consider this for the next major release.

Godmar Back wrote:
If a fact contains a single field, it would be nice to be able to
express a constraint on the value of that field without having to know
its name, e.g.:

Cheese ("stilton")

which would be equivalent to

Cheese (type == "stilton")

if Cheese contained only one field, and which would be a compile-time
error otherwise.

A similar convenience syntax is used, for instance, for Java 5
annotations. Instead of having to say @Retention(value =
RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME) it can be abbreviated
@Retention(RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME) since this annotation only has a
single field.

 - Godmar
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