Doesn't Seam have it's over version of Drools, maybe thats on a different version?

Robert Morse wrote:
This has come up before, but I think my circumstances may be different.
I'm using Seam 2.0.0.CR2, Drool 4.0.3, and JBoss AS 4.2.1 along with all of the relevant support jars. I have a Java Application that uses the JBoss server for entity beans, etc. It uses Drools PackageBuilder, loads the drl file and fires the rules without any problems.

I'm now moving that same functionality to a stateful Seam bean. When a user clicks on a button, I invoke an action which executes the same code as in the stand alone java application. However, when it attempts to create a new PackageBuilder via new PackageBuilder() it throws:

18:05:18,610 ERROR [STDERR] org.drools.RuntimeDroolsException: Unable to load dialect ''
followed by:

18:05:18,621 ERROR [STDERR] Caused by: java.lang.ClassCastException: 18:05:18,621 ERROR [STDERR] at org.drools.compiler.PackageBuilderConfiguration.addDialect(

I've seen this posted several times, and the suggested cause is missing jars in the classpath. However, I have all of the 4.0.3 Drools jars, mvel14, and jdt-core jars in place. Obviously, it's some configuration problem since I have the exact thing working as a java application.

Any suggestions?


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