
I have some questions about multithreaded apps and if it is necessary to pool session objects for performance.

* I understand that it is expensive to create the RuleBase objects but what about the sessions? If I create a new stateful session object for each request will that become a potential bottleneck?

* Is the session class thread safe, what will happen if two or more threads simultaneously call fireAllRules on one and the same session object?

One advantage of pooling session is if you have some data that does not change per request. Say that I have some data associated with a specific type of request that should be inserted for all requests of that particular type and evaluated towards request specific stuff, e.g. params in the request. E.g. An object that specifies allowed values for a particular API will be the same for all requests (well at least until you reconfigure the allowed values...) and the rules would evaluate the request specific value based on the "allowed values" object. In this case only the request specific parameter/value needs to be inserted/retracted per request.

* I would rather use StatefulSession instead of stateless since I find the API more flexible, are there any performance considerations I should be aware of? If pooling is necessary I guess I must use the stateful session. But if creating one session per request, are there any concrete reasons for using the stateless session (besides the simpler API and that I need to call dispose on the stateful session)?

Kind of hoping that the answer will be: "No, pooling will not be necessary.", but any feedback about situations where it may be necessary for best performance would be much appreciated.

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