The LHS of "Change data" is true for every initial datum so I believe what is happening is that it sets all your isCheck flags true immediately before the "Unique Data" rule executes. I probably wasn't very clear about what the flag was supposed to do. I meant to suggest using a flag to record that a duplicate was detected to prevent running the rule on any data that is found to be a duplicate. "isDuplicate" would probably be a better name for the flag.

All you should need is one rule like the following:

rule "Unique data"
   salience 10
       $data1: Data( $id1: id )
       $data2: Data( isCheck == false, id == $id1)
       log.log(" data have same id (" + $data2.getId() + "):"+
                   $data1.getName() +" and"+

       $data1.setIsCheck(); // $data1 is duplicate

       $data.setIsCheck(); // $data is duplicate

ygaurav wrote:
Hi All
I have few changes to my data class as suggested above and rule and it seems
to work. But that brings me to another question. Here is my new data class

Data class

public class Data {
        private int id =0;
        public boolean isCheck = false;
        public String name = "";
        public Data(int id) {
       = id;
                name = "name"+(int)(this.hashCode());
                System.out.println("id is "+id+" name is "+name);           
        public int getId() {
                return id;
        public void setIsCheck() {
                isCheck = true;
        public boolean getIsCheck() {
                return isCheck;
        public String getName() {
                return name;

rule "Unique data"
    salience 10
        $data1: Data( $id1: id,isCheck == false)
        $data2: Data( isCheck == true, id == $id1)
then log.log(" data are not unique:"+ $data1.getName() +" and
"+$data2.getName()+ " id is "+$data2.getId()+" "+$data1.getId());

rule "Change data"
        $data: Data(isCheck == false)
then $data.setIsCheck();

So you can see from above that I set value false at the start and then set
it to true in a different rule. Now it takes only less then a second to
execute the rule. I was not aware of the fact that each time i insert a rule
it start executing it. Now my question is
Is it possible to stop working memory to start processing when I am
inserting data ? So don't execute anything untill I am finished adding all
the data and then fireAllrules thanks ( also thanks to Scott Reed-3 who led to this solution) Gaurav

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