Great thanks to you Geoffrey for the information. This will really help in our implementation, as the game uses several different token types, so it would be nice to be able to build factories for each type and let your solver handle the mix.

Could you let me know which class implements the configuration for your XML? That would help me to find out what else may be available.

best wishes,


Andrew Waterman
San Cristóbal de las Casas, Chiapas, Mexico
+52 1 967 107 5902
+1 510 342 5693

On Feb 10, 2009, at 1:16 AM, Geoffrey De Smet wrote:

I need to document those in the manual, if I haven't already in subversion.

relativeSelection means that only a percentage of all moves will be randomly selected to be evaluated into a score (and possibly accepted and picked as the next step).
You should experiment with different values for it.
You can use the benchmarker class (see the examples) to play out different values against each other.

topSize means that the top x scoring moves from the last step will always be selected. My experiments haven't proven topSize to be usefull yet...

With kind regards,
Geoffrey De Smet

Andrew Waterman schreef:
My apologies for my earlier double post, I'm having some troubles with my mail client. I'm writing to see if anyone has any detailed information on an XML-schema, or, a more detailed break-down of the drools-solver configuration files. Basically, I'm trying to find out the set of available tags in drools-solver without going through the XML parsing code. In particular, I'm curious about the options with regards to the "<selector>" tag. In the "curriculumCourseSolverConfig.xml" file for the curriculum drools- solver example, the sub-tag "topSize' is used in the selector configuration:
org .drools .solver .examples .itc2007.curriculumcourse.solver.move.factory.RoomChangeMoveFactory
.... [list of further move factories]     </selector>
In addition, the "relativeSelection" subtag is used as well.
What do these subtags mean? Is there a way to let the selector move through different weighted MoveFactories? Thanks!
best wishes,
Andrew Waterman
San Cristóbal de las Casas, Chiapas, Mexico
+52 1 967 107 5902
+1 510 342 5693
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