J Michael Dean wrote:
So I build the KnowledgeBase with a url, and I can change the polling
interval from the default 60 with a property. The final piece of this
is the local cache directory that covers the situation of not being
able to connect to Guvnor. Sorry for my confusion.
You can either build the knowledgebase using urls and/or you can use the
applychangeset on the knowledgeagent, you can actually update over time
using the applychangeset, so the urls used for an agent are no longer
fixed. The polling property is no longer on the agent itself, as it has
been moved to a service, which can be accessed via the ResourceFactory.
If the javadocs are not clear, provide an update on how to make them
- Mike
Message: 5
Date: Tue, 17 Feb 2009 23:14:45 +0000
From: Mark Proctor <mproc...@codehaus.org <mailto:mproc...@codehaus.org>>
Subject: Re: [rules-users] KnowledgeAgent and Guvnor
To: Rules Users List <rules-users@lists.jboss.org
Message-ID: <499b44e5.7020...@codehaus.org
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed
J Michael Dean wrote:
RuleAgent could be fed a properties file that included a URL enabling
connection to Guvnor. I cannot find any examples of using a
KnowledgeAgent to connect to Guvnor - can someone point me in the
right direction? Thank you.
If you build a KnowledgeBase using urls an then pass that KnowledgeBase
to the agent the agent will grab the urls and start scanning. If you
don't supply, or supply an empty knowledgebase, you use the
applyChangeSet(...) method which allows you t specify a Resource that
provides the changeset.xml which is where you place your urls.
The KnowledgeAgentFactory, KnowledgeBuilder and ChangeSet should all
provide some information on this.
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