No problem; I'd have tried to reproduce it before filing the JIRA. Thx
for the info.

On 4/7/09, <> wrote:
> Wolfgang -
> Thanks for your reply. As I said in the original subject line -- bizarre
> bug or user error?
> Well, it turns out to have been user error -- There was another rule in
> the rulebase that was altering values on the PolicySet objects, but
> failing to update() them. This caused the Rule Engine to evaluate using
> old matches and produced wrong results.
> If you did file a JIRA, you can probably cancel it.
> -- <red faced> --
> Sorry for the confusion.
> Date: Tue, 7 Apr 2009 08:59:46 +0200
> From: Wolfgang Laun <>
> Subject: Re: [rules-users] Bizarre bug or user error:
> To: Rules Users List <>
> Message-ID:
>       <>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
> Hi,
> On 4/7/09, <>
> wrote:
>> I have the following rule, which is executing in the midst of a
> complex
>> data set and a couple hundred other rules:
>> rule "RS6492.1.2"
>>      when
>>              TransactionSummary
>>              (
>>                       $LTVRatioPrcnt : LTVRatioPrcnt
>>              )
>>              PolicySet
>>              (
>>                      $maxLTVRatioPrcnt : maxLTVRatioPrcnt,
>>                      maxLTVRatioPrcnt < $LTVRatioPrcnt
>>              )
> This is better written as a single field restriction with binding, all
> in one:
>    PolicySet( $maxLTVRatioPrcnt : maxLTVRatioPrcnt < $LTVRatioPrcnt )
> Nevertheless, you are right: This should either succeed (firing only
> once) even when written separately or be flagged as an error. I'll
> file a JIRA.
> -W
>>      then
>>              System.out.println("RS6492.1.2 fired. $maxLTVRatioPrcnt
>> = " + $maxLTVRatioPrcnt + ", $LTVRatioPrcnt = " + $LTVRatioPrcnt);
>>              // actual actions removed ...
>> end
>> In the dataset, there are two PolicySets with maxLTVRatioPrcnt values
> of
>> 95.0 and 80.0 respectively. The LTVRatioPrcnt in the
> TransactionSummary
>> is 85.0.
>> When my rules run, The above rule should fire only once, for the
>> PolicySet with 80.0 as its maxLTVRatioPrcnt. However, it fires twice -
>> once for each PolicySet - with the following outputs:
>> RS6492.1.2 fired. $maxLTVRatioPrcnt = 95.0, $LTVRatioPrcnt = 85.0
>> RS6492.1.2 fired. $maxLTVRatioPrcnt = 80.0, $LTVRatioPrcnt = 85.0
>> How is this possible? Why is the comparison of maxLTVRatioPercnt <
>> $LTVRatioPrcnt succeeding in both cases, causing the rule to fire on
>> both PolicySets?
>> I'm running Drools 5.0.0 with jars dated 15 Jan 09.
>> Thanks in advance...
>> Tom Murphy
>> Wells Fargo HCFG - CORE Deal Decisioning Platform
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