Scott Reed wrote:
I just upgraded our app from Drools 4 to 5 libraries. We just use the rules engine with DRL. The performance of the engine on our rulebase is unacceptably slow. I assume there is something we need to do to our rules or the way we are configuring the engine to fix this. I don't see anything in the release notes about backwards compatibility issues. I would very much appreciate it if someone would direct me to any documentation that explains what needs to be done so our 4.0 rules perform at least as well as they did before the upgrade?
sigh.... This is why we need people to get involved prior to a final release, so we can make sure we've done all necessary tuning for our user base. We have other users, who did get involved in this, saying we are faster for their use case. There are some use cases where 5 is slower, but it should be marginally slow, but it's scalability should be better for more facts and facts with larger number of fields.

Could you produce a self contained project, with a unit test, that demonstrates this unnacceptable behaviour?


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