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jayadevan m wrote:


 We have one performance(memory) issue in drools-5

 Our Scenario

 We have 3 entities

  Trip - Entity representing details about trip

 Driver - Entity for driver , it contain details about driver

Assignments - details about each assignments (one driver may assigned to many trip)

 The rule is to find ,"Find overlapping between trip assignments"

For Implementing this we take the Trip ,Driver And Assignments entities from Data base and put it into working memory

 For Small number of records this rule work well ,

But we want to check it against 15000 driver ,331176 assignments and 12745 trips

 In that case it take huge amount of time for execution (rule firing )

Rule is

 rule "Assignment Check"


             $creVo: DriverAssignVO($drId: driverId ,$tid: tripId);

              $tripAssignment: TripVO(

                            $tpid: tripId,

                            $startDtmUtc: startDtmUtc,

                            $endDtmUtc: endDtmUtc)


                            $trvo: TripVO(

                            tripId != $tpid,

                            tripId in ($tid),

((startDtmUtc >= $startDtmUtc && startDtmUtc <= $endDtmUtc) ||

(endDtmUtc >= $startDtmUtc && endDtmUtc <= $endDtmUtc)));

$crvo: DriverAssignVO($drvrId: driverId , driverId == $drId , tripId != $tid, tripId == $tpid)


              System.out.println("TRIP ID: " + $crvo.getTripId());


thanks and regards

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