On Mon, 2009-06-22 at 11:47 -1000, Chris Richmond wrote:
> I cannot seem to call a static method on one of my classes and keep
> getting this error:
> [Error: Failed to compile: 1 compilation error(s): 
>  - (1,44) unable to resolve method using strict-mode:
> com.aps.syslog.logging.manager.LoggingManager.runLoggingTest(java.lang.String,
>  com.aps.syslog.logging.Transaction)]
> [Near : {... Unknown ....}]

How is the method declared? 

In other words: is mvel correct in not finding that method with that
declaration because it doesn't exist?

If the method uses different formal argument types, have you tried
explicitly casting the actual arguments to the formal types?


Never attribute to malice that which can be adequately explained by
stupidity.                                        -- Hanlon's Razor

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