
We have around 3500 business rules and rules are mainly look up value based or 
based on the associated data in the RDBMS.

There are around 90% processes where we only need sequential rules check, the 
other 10% of processes requires the inference capability.

My questions:

a)    Which is the best way to go for this - should we set up all the rules as 
inference through stateful session or segregate 90% as sequential and others as 
inference. Will this segregation going to give better performance in Drools 5 
and later?

b)    Lots of our LHS depends on the data from RDBMS - we insert 1 fact - then 
make use of "from/collect" to get hold of various associated data ---then do 
some checks on the data fetched from RDBMS -- so is it better to program them 
in java directly or as sequential rules?

Any guidance will be helpful?



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