> So, in principle having Maps support in the LHS is not a big challenge?

No. Just requires developing a set of classes to work with maps. Being

* Implement: MapObjectType extends ObjectType
* Implement: MapReadAccessor and MapWriteAccessor
* Add support to them into the builders (i.e., the actual wiring of the new
* Test everything... I probably forgot something, since there's been quite
some time since I worked on this.

> Could you please explain this in a bit more detail?
Lets call |A| the number of A facts in the working memory and |B| the number
of B facts (i.e. cardinality). Lets call p(|A|,|B|) the number of partial
matches a rule will create given the cardinality of A and B. Imagine your
rule is:


This rule creates a join between A() and B() and the number of join attempts
will be: p(|A|,|B|) = |A| * |B|

Now, if instead of representing A and B as different classes you use Maps
with the type attribute as you was suggesting:

$a : Map()
$b : Map()
eval( ... )

The number of partial matches will be: p(|A|,|B|) = (|A|+|B|)! /

Draw the graph for these two functions and you will get the picture. If you
have more than 2 patterns, situation gets worst and worst.

If instead of eval() you use some alpha constraints, things go down to the
same level as using different classes:

$a : Map( this["type"] == "A" )
$b : Map( this["type"] == "B" )

The above will result in the same p(|A|,|B|) = |A| * |B| partial matches.


2009/8/19 André Thieme <address.good.until.2009.dec...@justmail.de>

> Edson Tirelli schrieb:
> >
> >     I will skip the first half of your e-mail as I am not sure what were
> > the reasons for your nit-picking. If my explanation was not helpful for
> > the public it was intended to, you are welcome to explain yourself.
> Oh, I did not intend it to sound like nit-picking. I only meant that
> with a specialized syntax one can make rules operating on Maps looking
> basically identical to the ones operating on POJOs.
> >     Regarding the part that matters, i.e., adding the support to other
> > fact types, Drools is prepared to support them in the LHS. Let me
> > explain by example:
> >
> > when
> >     $c : Customer( name == "bob" )
> > then
> >
> >    For the reasoning algorithm, does not matter if Customer is a POJO,
> > an XML document, a Map with the "type" attribute set to "Customer" as
> > you mentioned, or whatever you can think. We use a set of interfaces
> > that allows us to completely abstract that and we even supported 2
> > different fact types as a proof of concept in the past.
> That sounds good!
> So, in principle having Maps support in the LHS is not a big challenge?
> As I understand it, code inside an eval can not be cached and needs to
> get executed every time and results in less performant code.
> >    The only reason we did not support multiple fact types yet for Drools
> > is the RHS. Our reasoning is that does not make sense to abstract the
> > LHS if you don't do the same for the RHS. So, for instance, using java
> > dialect:
> >
> > when
> >     $c : Person( name == "bob" )
> > then
> >     $c.setAge( 30 ) ;
> > end
> >
> >     If we will support that rule, written as is, for POJOs, and we want
> > to support Maps as facts, then our java parser needs to properly handle
> > the consequence code as $c.put("age", 30). Same thing if Person was an
> > XML document and so on.
>  From my perspective the RHS is not important at all for my lib and for
> Clojure users who like to work with Drools.
> For me mostly one thing is interesting: getting Map lookups out of eval,
> so they can profit from exactly the same caching and optimizations that
> exist for POJOs.
> The RHS will be fully written in Clojure, and all challenges that occur
> in it would have to be solved by myself.
> If you Drools Devs could make it possible to give support for Maps in
> the LHS, then most issues for Clojure users could be solved.
> >
> >     If you want to contribute to the project solving this problem, you
> > are most welcome.
> Unfortunately I have not enough Java knowledege and not time.
> But I would like to contribute indirectly, by writing a lib for Clojure
> users which will make Drools easily accessible to them. It would also
> provide other users of Drools with an alternative syntax, which gets
> compiled into the default rule language. (Not into mvel, as that seems
> to be interpreted and runs a bit slower.)
> >     Regarding your rule rewrite, the way you propose is not feasible.
> > Using multiple patterns of the same type without proper alpha
> > constraints will lead to combinatorial explosion.
> Could you please explain this in a bit more detail?
> If Maps as 1st class rule objects, shouldn't my example then be exactly
> the same as the one that you gave?
> Your example was:
> when
>   Customer( $custId : id )
>   DailyOrders( count[$custId] == 1 )
> then ...
> My example was:
> rule "Rule name"
>   when
>     m1:clojure.lang.APersistentMap()
>     m2:clojure.lang.APersistentMap()
>     eval( m1.get("type") == "Customer" )
>     eval( m2.get("type") == "DailyOrders" &&
>          (m2.get("count")).get(m1.get("id")) == 1 )
>   then
>     ((clojure.lang.IFn)globalVarWithClojureCode.get(17)).call())
> end
> And with direct Map support it could become something like:
> rule "Rule name"
>   MapDefaultKey "type"
>   Salience      2
>   when
>     "Customer"( $custId : "id" )
>     "DailyOrders"( get("count", $custId) == 1 )
>    then
>     ((clojure.lang.IFn)globalVarWithClojureCode.get(17)).call())
> end
> Instead of the one could have syntactical sugar which may look
> unfamiliar: "count"[$custId]
> If the key is not a string but a float one would even have
> 88.5[$custId] instead get(88, $custId).
> This is just a matter of taste, and users could have their DSLs anyway.
> André
> --
> Lisp is not dead. It’s just the URL that has changed:
> http://clojure.org/
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 Edson Tirelli
 JBoss Drools Core Development
 JBoss by Red Hat @ www.jboss.com
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