

I am trying to create a set of java objects, which I insert into the session
at startup.  Then at regular timed iterations I want to examine the values
of those objects.  During the timer iteration, some fields may have been
changed by the primary program.  So I have a rule for now that is just
trying to identify that the do indeed exist on each iteration:


rule "Identify Java Objects"



   $mo : MyDataObject();


   System.err.println("MYOBJECT in system: " + $mo.getID + " | " +





As I said, at startup I insert 3 of these objects into my session, then
every 10 seconds I just want to ensure they are there.  However the output
from this rule only fires on the firet iteration, after that the rule
doesn't fire.  I am not retrcating the objects or even concerning myself
with the FactHandle, as I plan to leave them in working memory and change
values on those 3 objects from the main application in each application
loop, then make decisions in the rule engine based on the values of those 3
objects.   However, for now I just nee to find out why the objects only live
for my first loop and call of session.fireAllRules().


Any ideas or what I am doing wrong?




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