Drools sliding window is not working. I have given my excerpt from my
coding, DRL is,
declare -----
�...@role( event )
�...@timestamp( timestamp )
rule "Program- Multiple Trans in multiple calendar days"
---- over window:length(2m) from entry-point TransactionStream
I am doing the following before inserting and firing.
Am I really missing anything here? Could you please help me in this or
if you have woking sample program. Please give me that
Baskaran S
From: Lucas Amador <lucazama...@gmail.com>
To: Rules Users List <rules-users@lists.jboss.org>
Sent: Wed, 11 November, 2009 7:10:18 PM
Subject: Re: [rules-users] Reg: Writing complex rules in Grided editor
Hi Baskaran,
you can use drools-pipeline module with the Smooks transformers to do that!
El 11/11/2009, a las 01:23, bas karan escribió:
Hi Lucas,
> Thanks for your replay. And one more question I have is,
> Can we have access to TimesTen or any other in-memory databases so
>that no need to load WorkingMemoryEntryPoints with all the objects?
>Is there any way to load objects into WorkingMemoryEntryPoints taken from
>Thanks in advance
>Baskaran S
>--- On Tue, 10/11/09, Lucas Amador <lucazama...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>From: Lucas Amador <lucazama...@gmail.com>
>>Subject: Re: [rules-users] Reg: Writing complex rules in Grided editor
>>To: "Rules Users List" <rules-users@lists.jboss.org>
>>Date: Tuesday, 10 November, 2009, 6:34 PM
>>the best way is use DSL because isn't possible create "complex" rules with
>>the guided editor
>>El 10/11/2009, a las 06:33, bas karan escribió:
>>> I am new to Drools rules. Can any one of you tell me how can we write
>>>complex rules like below using Grided editor.
>>>rule sequenceOfIncreasingWithdrawals
>>> when
>>> $account:Account($number : number)
>>> $t1:TransactionCreatedEvent(fromAccountNumber == $number)
>>> from entry-point TransactionStream
>>> $t2:TransactionCreatedEvent(amount > $t1.amount,
>>> fromAccountNumber == $number, this after[0, 3m] $t1)
>>> from entry-point TransactionStream
>>> not (TransactionCreatedEvent(fromAccountNumber == $number,
>>> this after $t1, this before $t2 )
>>> from entry-point TransactionStream)
>>> $t3:TransactionCreatedEvent(amount > $t2.amount,
>>> fromAccountNumber == $number, this after[0, 3m] $t2 )
>>> from entry-point TransactionStream
>>> not (TransactionCreatedEvent(fromAccountNumber == $number,
>>> this after $t2, this before $t3 )
>>> from entry-point TransactionStream)
>>> $ai : AccountInfo(number == $number, eval($t1.amount.add(
>>> $t2.amount).add($t3.amount).compareTo(BigDecimal.
>>> valueOf(0.90).multiply(averageBalance)) > 0))
>>> then
>>> insert(new SuspiciousAccount($number,
>>> SuspiciousAccountSeverity.MAJOR));
>>> insert(new SuspiciousTransaction($t1.transactionUuid,
>>> SuspiciousTransactionSeverity.MAJOR));
>>> insert(new SuspiciousTransaction($t2.transactionUuid,
>>> SuspiciousTransactionSeverity.MAJOR));
>>> insert(new SuspiciousTransaction($t3.transactionUuid,
>>> SuspiciousTransactionSeverity.MAJOR));
>>>Baskaran S
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