Quoting ramram8 <ramram...@gmail.com>:

> I have some questions about the web console: I have created simple
> scenarios
> and everything is working fine just a need to know some points:
> 1- Can we launch a process from outside the web console rather than
> using the start button?
See earlier email about this, I suggest registering the session used in
the console at JNDI so you can get a reference to this and invoke
methods from outside the console.

> 2- Can we use a dynamic process in the web console I mean by that
> using the "Fluent API" not the .rf file?
The console currently gets its processes from Guvnor.  If you would
allow external applications to access the session (see item 1), you
could dynamically register the process.  You could also simply use the
XML dumper to transform your dynamic process into XML and store/update
that on Guvnor.  Automatic synchronization between Guvnor and your
session could then be used to dynamically update your knowledge base.

> 3- Every time we upload a new .rf file into the Guvnor do we need the
> server to be restarted?
No, you can have your session automatically update from Guvnor upon
changes.  Check out the KnowledgeAgent for details.


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